Xally AIstarter

Transforming AI concepts into reality within the blockchain using Bitcoin L2

AIstarter is the first Web 3 launchpad for AI projects, aiming to transform AI concepts into reality within the blockchain using Bitcoin L2.

How to Join

We strive to create opportunities for enthusiastic contributors to join AI projects from the very beginning. AIstarter is open to as many people as possible to accelerate potential AI projects.

XALLY stakers will receive additional benefits:

  • Priority Access: Early access to new launchpad projects.

  • Bonuses: Receive bonuses on project enhancements on AIstarter.

How We Choose Projects

We select projects based on critical criteria to ensure they bring tangible benefits to the ecosystem:

  • Real-world use cases: Prioritize projects offering practical applications of blockchain and AI technologies.

  • Crypto utility focus: Favor projects that enhance or innovate the use of cryptocurrencies, increasing adoption or utility within the blockchain space.

  • Team expertise: Look for projects backed by teams with strong application development skills and deep research capabilities.

Selection Process

Our selection process is thorough and community-driven:

  • Expertise and background evaluation: Initial screening based on the team's expertise and track record in technology and innovation, leveraging our strong network.

  • DAO voting: Projects meeting our criteria are put forward to a DAO vote, allowing XALLY token holders to decide on the project's inclusion in our ecosystem, ensuring decisions align with community interests.

Upcoming Launches

We are thrilled to announce 3 forthcoming AI projects, each crafted to offer practical and impactful use cases:

  • Xally: Xally makes AI more accessible through scalable and secure blockchain infrastructure. Built on Bitcoin Layer 2, we ensure transparency and trust in AI development, while our ecosystem enables effortless creation of advanced AI applications.

  • AI Foundry: A creative space for users to create, share, and explore AI-generated NFTs. Experience the future of digital art and showcase your unique pieces to a global audience

  • ArtCanvas: An advanced application for creating AI art, set to reshape the industry with its innovative features and seamless user experience.

Last updated